Who We Are

Who we are

Picture this: Scott and Bill, two dynamic individuals with backgrounds as varied as your favorite ice cream flavors, met while working as business brokers. Little did they know, their shared love for scaling things (not just rooftops) would lead them to create Modern Roof, the ultimate roofing company. You see, Scott comes from a construction management background, while Bill has a knack for all things management. Together, they’re like Batman and Robin, but with a lot more shingles.

Here’s why Modern Roof is the ultimate choice for all your roofing needs:

  • Customer-Centric Approach: We put you first, always. Our goal is to make your roofing experience as smooth as possible, even if it means sacrificing a bit of our profit margin. Trust us, your mom would approve.
  • Employee Well-being: Happy employees mean happy customers. We strive to provide a rewarding work environment that feels less like “The Office” and more like a supportive team.
  • Community Pillars: We’re dedicated to being more than just a roofing company. We aim to be a reliable presence in the communities we serve, kind of like your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but with fewer webs and more roofs.

At Modern Roof, we go above and beyond, ensuring our customers are well-informed throughout the process. Unlike other contractors, we don’t keep you in the dark about the products or the process. Transparency is our middle name (well, not really, but you get the point).

Our Accreditations

Sure, anyone can slap a few shingles on a roof, but can they do it with the same finesse and certification that we can? Probably not. Modern Roof is proud to be:

Our Locations