Modern Roof Trusted Local Roofing Company

How Much Is A Roof Repair?

Roof Repair Cost

How much is a Roof Repair???

Routine roof repairs are necessary to maintain a secure and safe home from the elements of Indiana. Roof repair costs can range from $100 to $500 for basic repairs and up to $6,000 for major ones, depending on the type of repair needed. The average roof repair cost in America right now is $1250. The size of your roof, the cost of labor, and the kind of roofing material all affect how much your repair will ultimately cost.

Repair falls under two different categories. You have minor repairs and major repairs. 

Minor repairs might cost anything from $100 to $1,900. Simple tools and materials are required for these repairs; specific training or experience is not necessary. While many people prefer to do minor roof repairs, if you have any safety concerns or doubts about the repair, call a professional. A small roof repair might grow into a big one if it is neglected or done incorrectly.

Major Repairs can range from 2000-6000. These involve repairing roof damage, including roof sections, decking, flashing, mold treatment, extensive water damage, and sagging roofs. These kinds of projects require that you call your local roofing company to avoid any mistakes. If the job is not done correctly, your roof may only worsen. 

If your roofing company notices that the roof is over 20 years old and has experienced damage, a repair may no longer be an option. While some companies will try to take advantage of you and repair it, the chances of the problems returning increase significantly. A full roof replacement may be the only alternative. Even though it may be costly, it is the only way to protect your home from further damage. It’s crucial to take care of these concerns as soon as they are discovered. 

Modern Roof is here to provide honest roof assessments and help alleviate any concerns. Our team is trained to find solutions on the spot. We will not push you to get a new roof unless we feel that is the only option available. We do work all over Indiana and provide complimentary roof inspections and quotes. Feel free to click the link below to schedule an appointment.